

Data Retrieval

  • Data are accessible on IHG web-portal for six weeks after the email notification – users should use the allotted time to download all data from the portal promptly.
  • Unless stated otherwise, re-processed assay data is accessible on IHG web-portal for one week after the email notification.
  • Some data files for custom analysis might not be available on web portal — users should check with the core.
  • Users are responsible for retrieving their data – proper data backup and checking for file corruption upon download are the responsibilities of users.
  • Users should review the IHG download instructions before downloading data from the IHG web-portal — access to the instructions will be given in the email.
  • Users should inform the core of any technical difficulties as soon as possible.
  • Certain data, such as raw sequencing data (BCL files), are not obtainable if the flowcell is shared with other projects.

The following requests are usually granted under extenuating circumstances and may incur an additional fee:

  • Extending the deadline for data retrieval
  • Alternative methods for data retrieval

UCSF IHG Genomics Core does not archive any sequencing data. All data are subjected to deletion after the deadline. However, the core offers self-service data storage solutions for users.