We invite you to be part of our journey! Please help us grow our Institute and support our efforts to further human genetics research and education and the application of this important work to human disease and patient care.
There are many ways you can support the IHG! You may designate your support to human genetics to either of the three existing funds listed below. Alternatively, to discuss larger, targeted gifts (endowment or bequest, memorial or tribute gift, event sponsorship, transfers of securities or property, or wire transfers) please contact Bo O'Hare, IHG representative in the UCSF Foundation, at 415.476.3947.
Previous philanthropic efforts have helped us to establish:
- An endowed professorship in human genetics
- A fellowship in human genetics
- A technology fund to support the acquisition of state-of-the-art core technology
- An endowed fund to support the IHG Exploratory Grants Program, an internal grants competition to encourage faculty to pursue new research
Donations of all sizes expand our impact across the field of human genetics and, in particular, to our faculty and student researchers. We are most grateful!
Please consider making a tax deductible donation.
There are three funds to choose from when making a donation:
Institute for Human Genetics
Your contribution to this unrestricted gift fund will help us support the endeavors of the IHG where the need is most immediate. This valuable gift provides our leadership the flexibility to support activities that meet current priorities.
Please ensure your company name is clearly identified on the check/wire transfer and include a note Deposit to Fund 7014301
Charles and Lois Epstein Visiting Professorship
Your gift to the Professorship supports a visiting lecture series established in honor of Charles and Lois Epstein. The lecture is a featured event at our annual research symposium and brings to UCSF a prominent figure in Human Genetics.
Charles J Epstein Endowed Chair
Your gift supports an endowed chair in Pediatrics and Genetics, named in honor of Charles J. Epstein, who joined the UCSF Department of Pediatrics in 1967 and established therein the Division of Medical Genetics. An international leader in the field, Charlie established a comprehensive program covering all aspects of service, training, and education in medical genetics. The Institute for Human Genetics at UCSF owes its existence to the foundation he and others laid and we are proud to honor him with this endowed chair.
- Make check payable to: UCSF Foundation
- Write one of the following on the memo line:
- IHG Fund B3089
- Charles and Lois Epstein Visiting Professorship B1197
- Charles J Epstein Endowed Chair S0534
Donate Online
After clicking on the button below, click “Choose a Designation” and donate to one of the Human Genetics funds listed above
Donate by Mail
Send gifts by U.S. Mail to:
UCSF Foundation
P.O. Box 45339
San Francisco, CA 94145-0339
Send gifts by Courier (FedEx, UPS, etc.) to:
Lockbox/Item Processing Operations
US Bank, NA
501 Canal Boulevard, Suite E
Richmond, CA 94804
Attn: UCSF Foundation Lockbox 45339
Donate by Phone
Please call Bo O'Hare at the UCSF Foundation to make a gift over the phone 415.476.3947.
Thank you - We appreciate your support